Join us for a lecture and conversation with public intellectual, educator, writer, activist and artist: Prof Antonia Darder. With responses by Prof David Andrew, Brenden Gray, Rangoato Hlasane & Puleng Plessie
VIAD, STAND and UJ Arts & Culture are thrilled to host an intimate conversation with public intellectual, artist and activist Prof Antonia Darder. Darder’s scholarship has consistently focused on issues of racism, political economy, social justice, and education. Her work critically engages the contributions of Paulo Freire to our understanding of inequalities in schools and society. Darder’s critical theory of biculturalism links questions of culture, power, and pedagogy to social justice concerns in education. Through her decolonizing scholarship on ethics and moral issues, she articulates a critical theory of leadership for social justice and an interpretive methodology, with a focus on the empowerment of subaltern populations. Darder holds a Distinguished Visiting faculty post with the Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg.
Prof Darder’s address will be followed by responses from Prof David Andrew, Brenden Gray, Rangoato Hlasane and Puleng Plessie – as individuals engaged in a local dialogue, and projects directly engaged in forms of critical pedagogy. Opportunity for audience engagement with Prof Darder, as well as these special guests, is warmly encouraged.
Presentation abstract:
The Social Justice Question: Decolonizing Pedagogy, Methodology & Leadership
There is much talk internationally about providing socially just education within subaltern communities. Yet, often the practices within educational institutions perpetuate the coloniality of power and structures of inequality that fail to support decolonizing pedagogical practices. This presentation draws on the work of Brazilian philosopher and author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire, to consider a set of personal and political principles that can assist us to enact educational leadership approaches founded on an ethics of liberation that can promote cognitive justice and community empowerment.