UJ Arts & Culture takes Dynamic Communication and Presence Online

On 30 July and 6 August, UJ Arts & Culture (a division of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Johannesburg) will present a free, two-part web series: Taking Dynamic Communication and Presence Online with voice coach and facilitator Caryn Katz.

At a time when online communications take precedence over all other modes of engagement, Katz presents innovative ways to use the various online mediums to our best advantage. The Dynamic Communication series is aimed at academic and business professionals interested in reaching their full public speaking and presentation potential.

Vastly experienced in both a corporate and a private capacity, Katz presents a dynamic approach to using the expressive voice, building rapport and reaching the listener at a time when our much relied upon social cues are ineffectual.

Furthermore, the sessions look to using the lag-time inherent on Zoom to your advantage and making full use of the available tools to achieve clear, confident on-line communication.

“At this moment in time the ability to convey your thoughts clearly and expressively in any context whether in person on digital platforms has become an increasingly important skill to master”, says Voice Coach, Alexander Technique Teacher, Actor and Facilitator Caryn Katz.

Caryn has many years of experience working with corporates and private individuals to find their Voices, Breath and Presence in any environment.

Taking Dynamic Communication and Presence Online is a must-have for any professional looking to move beyond the average online meeting. There are only 15 spaces available and selection is based on a first come first serve bases. The sessions run on 30 July and 6 Aug 2020 from 16:00 – 17:00.

Register online www.arts.uj.ac.za. The closing date is 24 July 2020.