Cumulus Conference 2025 | Johannesburg | South Africa 26-28 November 2025 Call for Abstracts | Design Intelligence and 5IR

The bi-annual Cumulus conference, titled ‘Design Intelligence and 5IR’ will take place from 26-28 November 2025 in Johannesburg, South Africa. This double-blind peer-reviewed conference is hosted by the University of Johannesburg in co-operation with the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

The central theme of the conference focuses on the evolving role of design in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and beyond. As designers and design educators, we are at the forefront of technological revolutions that are transforming society, education, workplaces, and homes. These shifts challenge us to rethink our concepts of work, daily life, and societal structures. As we adapt to the ongoing changes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), we must also prepare for the emerging Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR).

A critical question emerges: How will designers and design education evolve to develop the knowledge and intelligence needed for this new revolution?

While 4IR focuses on achieving technological efficiency, 5IR aims for a more profound integration of humans and machines, fostering collaboration and co-existence. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, it is crucial to revisit the importance of Design Intelligence – a uniquely human capability essential for navigating this new landscape. Design Intelligence emphasizes human-centred and humanity-focused innovations, driving the creation of personalised, virtualised products and environments where humans and machines work together seamlessly.

We invite academic papers that explore the intersections of design education, theory, and practice within our rapidly evolving contexts. To this end, the conference is organised around three key sub-themes: Ubuntu, Metaverse, and New Materiality. These sub-themes explore how design can navigate and shape the future, emphasising human-centred approaches, the fusion of digital and physical realities, and the innovative use of materials in response to technological advancements.



The Southern African philosophy of Ubuntu (loosely translatable as ‘humanity’) shapes how people engage with each other and the world, emphasizing care, compassion, and mutual sustenance within communities and between humans and nature. This relational ontology highlights the interconnectedness of all beings, fostering a sense of collective responsibility as we navigate new realities. As M’Rithaa, Moalosi, and Rapitsenyane (2023) describe, Ubuntu promotes tolerance and deep respect for others, enriching society through the shared gift of humanity.

This theme invites exploration of how Ubuntu influences design, particularly when integrating data-driven decision-making, technology, and artificial intelligence into design thinking and problem-solving. Revisiting Ubuntu and similar forms of indigenous knowledge  is crucial in fostering life-affirming and culturally sustainable approaches in the face of technological advancements. We welcome papers that investigate:



The Metaverse embodies the convergence of physical reality and digital virtuality, creating a multi-dimensional universe where augmented reality and artificial intelligence facilitate seamless interactions and collaborations between humans and machines. This integration serves various purposes, from meeting specific needs to producing innovative material solutions. As an expansive realm that transcends traditional boundaries of interactive and virtual realities, the Metaverse enables designers to explore new frontiers. By leveraging the synergy between human and artificial intelligence, designers can craft visionary futures that reflect both human and post-human experiences.

This sub-theme invites an exploration of the Metaverse as a transformative space, encouraging designers to rethink the possibilities and responsibilities of their craft in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. We invite papers that delve into design intelligence in theory, practice, and education, including the following areas:

New Materiality

In the context of 4IR and 5IR, materiality – the exploration of the tangible – takes on new dimensions within virtual spaces. Historically driven by capitalism and economic expansion and exploitation, the concept of materiality now requires re-examination through the lens of design intelligence to realign meaning-making with the imperative to sustain life on Earth.

We invite papers that address design theory, practice, and education in response to this evolving landscape, including the following themes:


Contributions may address these themes directly or investigate the spaces that exist around and between them, shedding light on how design can continue to innovate and respond to the challenges and opportunities of 5IR.

Key Dates

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts should be 300-500 words and must include a working title. The abstract should clearly outline the problem statement, methodology, results, conclusions, and contributions to the field. Additionally, please include three to five keywords. For the blind review process, ensure that all author details are removed. Submissions must be in PDF format.


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We look forward to your contributions that will advance the discourse on Design Intelligence and its pivotal role in shaping a future where humans and machines thrive together.