Demystifying CAPS and the Creative Arts

An unpacking of the Creative Arts curriculum for teachers, students and Theatre companies.

This talk will centre around how the performing arts are central to the CAPS Curriculum and how theatre practitioners can target their work to align with the curriculum for teachers and schools.

This is the perfect place to understand the ways to create and tour work to schools.

Alison Green is an educator, theatre practitioner and facilitator.

Her teaching experience includes:  the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, Rodean, The National School of the Arts and Creative Voices – an integrated Arts Initiative associated with the Royal London Opera House. In 2013 Alison attended the UNESCO World Arts Alliance Conference in Germany, as the South African Arts Educator Representative. Currently, she is the project manager for the ASSITEJ SA Kickstarter Creative Arts Empowerment programme, which is the first ever case study for the impact of Arts in South Africa. The project won the Business Arts South Africa Award for Development with Rand Merchant Bank in 2017.

Alison sits on the Naledi panel for the ‘Best Production For Children and Young Audiences,’ a new category focusing on the outstanding work being created for youth.

 Alison is interested in play and the transformative power of the Arts to shift and develop communities. She has recently been accepted to Cambridge University to complete an Mphil in Creativity and Arts Education.